Ofrecemos servicios
integrales en la inversión

Prestamos servicios con éxito en un amplio espectro de inversiones localizadas tanto en Polonia como fuera de sus fronteras, desde proyectos de viviendas, hoteles e instalaciones de utilidad pública hasta instalaciones comerciales, industriales y especiales, como estadios o parques eólicos

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Grupo cmT en números

años de experiencia
proyectos realizados
oficinas en Polonia
4 oficinas en el extranjero

Nuestras ventajas

If you want a solid building, you need good foundations. The same goes for companies. Companies are about people and not logos. I believe good, competent and honest people are the foundation of my company.

Ferdinand Baggeroer Propietario del Grupo cmT, Presidente del Consejo de AdministraciónPropietario del Grupo cmT, Presidente del Consejo de Administración

It’s truly inspiring to grow with a company that has reached a level of maturity on the market that permits it to manage some of the biggest and most complicated industrial projects in the CEE region.

Bernard Schiphorst Senior Manager

cmT isn’t a corporation! This makes us flexible, independent, and able to focus on our long-term relationships with our clients!

Christopher Siemieński Head of Business Development

We do not strive for perfection at every step and in every action. We simply understand and like what we are doing and the direction we are going to. We use the best possible strategy for this - good people making up the team.

Krzysztof Trembowski Senior Project Director


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